Pomernia 2021
22. august 2021 i
Som så mange gange før er der mange der tager til det berømte PomerniaTrophy, som er et orienteringsløb der foregår i Pomernia regionen i Polen. Der køres typisk efter rutebog.
Land Rover Club PL inform with pleasure:
We just started to register for 52 edition of Pomerania off road event.
It will take place from 1 – 3.10.2021
We invite you to take part in this event.
The amount of starting numbers is limited. The limit is 50 vehicles.
We offer special discount of entry fee for participants who reserve a starting number and pay pre-payment before 31.07.2021.
Booking is necessary.
For booking and more information please contact:
Land Rover Club PL
e.mail: lrcpl@onet.pl
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